About Liên Đoàn Hùng Vương
Liên Đoàn Hùng Vương, Troop 612 and Pack 612, was created on December 6, 1995 and started off with only five scouts and two active leaders. With supporters such as Saint Patrick’s Episcopal Church, our faithful sponsor at the time, we have grown and moved to Robert Frost Middle School in Fairfax as our main meeting spot since August 2016 to accommodate our fast growing membership.
Our troop has achieved the Quality Unit awards for many years and many of our scouts have earned Eagle Scout awards and Order of the Arrow memberships. Our leaders are experienced, certified by Scouting America, and are dedicated to the advancement and growth of our future leaders.
Our program is focused on developing our scouts’ outdoor and leadership skills and encourages acts of community service. In order to accomplish these goals, our troop has evolved to become one of the most active troops in the area. We strive to participate in numerous camping trips, merit badge events, and Jamborees to hone their personal skills while also creating an environment for the scouts to socialize and have many memorable experiences.
About The Name Hùng Vương
The Hồng Bàng period from 2879 BC to around 258 BC, was the first known history of Vietnam. During this time, there were 18 dynasties of kings all but one (the first king) named themselves Hùng “birthname” Vương. The word “Hùng” means brave and the word “Vương” means king.
Financial Obligations/Annual Fees
In order to ensure Liên Đoàn Hùng Vương continued success, we ask that parents pay an annual fee to help with Scouting America Membership, NCAC Participation Fee, and LDHV Activity Fee.
For the 2024-2025 School Year, the Annual Fee remains at $250 per Scout based on the following breakdowns:
- Scouting America: $90 ($85 Membership Fee + Tax + Admin Fee)
- National Council (NCAC): $80 (Participating Fee)
- Liên Đoàn Hùng Vương (LDHV): $80 (Scout Activity Fee for 10 months: June to September period)
All Annual Fees will be collected latest by the second week of October. Please talk to your kids’ Scoutmaster/Cubmaster if you need help on the lump sum payment. Multiple payment options might be available.
Starting September 1, 2024, Troop Registration will follow a new process. Please talk to one of the Troop leaders to get more details if you missed the Welcome Troop Parent Meeting.
You can read more about the Participation Fee - National Capital Area Council.
LDHV Fees combined with fundraising campaigns plus generous donations from Leaders, volunteers, and parents are used to cover all Scout activity fees, supply and equipment costs, camping costs, food for official dinners and meetings, camperships, etc. As a Non-Profit Youth organization, all available funding is used for the purpose of enhancing the Youth program. All LDHV leaders and volunteers are unpaid volunteers.