Meet Our Leaders

Christian Borres
Den Leader for Webelos
I was in the Boy Scouts of the Philippines growing up. I joined Liên Đoàn Hùng Vương in 2022. As Den Leader, I look forward to helping our kids learn useful outdoor and social skills, develop leadership and good characters, and stay connected with their Vietnamese heritage. I am excited for another scouting year full of fun and discovery.

James Bùi
Assistant Scoutmaster
I started with Liên Đoàn Hùng Vương when I first joined Boy Scouts in middle school. The Liên Đoàn gave me the best possible experience I could imagine with challenging myself through service and high adventure. Scouting helped shape my core values and the desire to be of service to others. I came back as a leader to give the next generation of Scouts the same opportunities I had and to prepare them for the world ahead.

Tâm Bùi
President of LDHV & Den Leader
I joined Pack 612 in 2015 as a Den Leader without any scouting nor outdoor experience. In my position, I learned new scouting skills and adventures while working with other leaders. Along with my pack leaders, I hope we would build a strong and enjoyable environment, in which our kids can play and live up to the scouting spirit.

Nữ Đặng
Den Leader for Bear & Wolf
I have been a leader of Liên Đoàn Hùng Vương, Nữ Đoàn Bà Triệu, Pack 55001, since 2016. I became a leader to help enable my oldest son’s, Long’s, vision for a female Cub Scout program and my granddaughters. As a family member who is dedicated to scouting, I love having the opportunity both to teach youth leadership skills and to promote the outdoors for them. My hobbies include swimming, cooking, singing, and dancing, in particular.

Lisa Thảo Huỳnh
Den Leader
I joined Liên Đoàn Hùng Vương in September 2014 as a Den Leader. My goal is to teach the Cubs to read Vietnamese, sing Vietnamese Scout songs, make simple Vietnamese dishes, and perform traditional Vietnamese dances and fashion shows. I am very happy and proud of the Cub Scouts of LDHV who have learned and performed the songs I have taught them. My dream is to help society, and the Vietnamese community, and assist children in becoming Vietnamese-American citizens who do not forget their Vietnamese heritage.

Phương Lê
I joined Liên Đoàn Hùng Vương to support and encourage the youth of our community. My vision is for our Scouting youth to lead with enthusiasm and dedication to creating memorable Scouting experiences. My main focus is promote teamwork, outdoor adventures, fostering youth leadership and families to embrace the values of Scouting.

Uy Lê
President of Lion Dance & Den Leader
I have been a Scout Leader since 2016. I joined Liên Đoàn Hùng Vương in 2021 because of its high adventure in Scouting experience. I appreciate the Liên Đoàn mission: to follow the principles of Scouting America and the National Vietnamese Scouting Committee. I also enjoy working with the parents to provide our kids the unforgettable adventures of their time.

Bảo Thiều Nguyễn
Assistant Cubmaster
Hi, my name is BT. I joined Liên Đoàn Hùng Vương in 2016, but I started scouting when I was a young boy back in Vietnam. As a leader, I bring Vietnamese culture and American scouting into our Pack. My goal is to teach our Cubs not only to grow the skills they need in life, but also to bring an awareness of their roots. I also enjoy working closely with parents to help their kids be confident, independent, and proud of their Vietnamese-American heritage.

Huy Nguyễn
Den Leader
I joined Liên Đoàn Hùng Vương in 2021 as a Den Leader because I witnessed the devotion from the leaders in training their scouts. Although I didn’t have a background in scouting, I have had years of experience in military. My goal is to teach the Cubs leadership and communication skills, and to be confident in themselves. Most importantly, we want them to have fun!

Thăng Phạm
Den Leader
I am a leader in Liên Đoàn Hùng Vương since 2016. I was a leader in Thăng Long Troop 904 (2007-2010), a leader in Chi Lăng Group 494, Washington DC (1996-2005), a leader and a committee member Thăng Long Troop 904 (1989-1996), and a scout and leader in Kiên Giang Group, Đồng Thanh District, Gia Định Council, Việt Nam (1968-1975). I enjoy scouting. The kids keep me active.

Hồng Cúc Võ
Assistant Scoutmaster
I joined Liên Đoàn Hùng Vương in 2016 as a parent when my children became involved in scouting. Over the years, I've witnessed firsthand how scouting helps kids build character, develop leadership skills and have fun outdoors. Inspired by the dedication of the adult leaders and the program's impact on the youth, I became committed to supporting the troop. My goal is to help support a strong, engaging environment where all Scouts can learn, grow, and thrive.

Hồng Lê
Scout Master

Bobby Trần
Advancement Leader
Nam Lê
Vice President of LDHV